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Додатки. контрольні роботи12.05-15.05 англійська мова...

 Діагностична робота з говоріння 2 клас

Теми для говоріння:

1. Їжа (Food)

2. Пори року та погода (Seasons and weather)

3. Що я вмію робити? ( What can I do?)

Контроль письма 4 клас


  1. form             surname, name _____________________  date ___________    II semester


I.  Correct these sentences. Write down the verb in correct form.

  1. I have did this task.
  2. Mary has eat an apple.
  3. Mike has do a lot of work.
  4. Ann has already read a book.


II.  Make up and write down the sentences.

  1. is, London, big, city, a .  
  2. is, There, the, in, cinema, a, city.   
  3. theatre, next, café, is, The, the, to.  
  4. like, to, I, for, travel, pleasure .  


III.  Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. Helen had a birthday party three days ago. When … ? … .
  2. Bob’s mother cooked many tasty things. What  … ? … .
  3. The writer wrote an interesting story. Who … ? … .
  4. They took a book from the library. Where … ? … .


Контроль читання 6 клас



Indiana Jones

            Indiana Jones first appeared in 1981 in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. The creators of the character are famous directors George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. The film was very successful and there are more films, a TV series, comics, books and computer games with the adventures of the popular archeologist.

            Dr Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr works as a college professor, but sometimes he travels the world exploring temples, monuments and tombs, looking for buried treasure. He doesn’t like his real name, Henry, so he has a nickname “Indiana”. It comes from the pet dog he had when he was a child. Indiana also doesn’t like snakes because he is afraid of them.

            Indiana isn’t a superhero. He has no super powers, but he is very brave and always tries to help people. His adventures are popular because he is just an ordinary person in a larger than life world.


  1. Read the text and choose the correct answer.
  1. Indiana Jones appeared in

a. 1891                b. 2091                     c. 1981      

  1. The film was about the adventures of

a. the doctor                  b. the archeologist             c. the famous director

  1. Henry Jones works

a. in the hospital                       b. in the college                  c. in the hotel

  1. His nickname “Indiana” comes from

a. the pet dog                b. his father             c. Steven Spielberg

  1. Indiana doesn’t like snakes because

a. he has some at home         b. he is afraid of them       c. George Lucas likes them


  1. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
  1. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg created Indiana Jones.
  2. Indiana Jones is an archeologist.
  3. His job is to look for buried treasures.
  4. Henry is Indiana’s real name.
  5. Snakes are his favorite animals.
  6. Indiana has superhuman strength.


  1. Answer the questions.
  1. When did Indiana Jones appear? _____________________________________________
  2. Who created Indiana Jones? ________________________________________________
  3. What appeared after successful film? _________________________________________


  1. What is the real name of Indiana Jones? _______________________________________
  2. Where does he work? _____________________________________________________
  3. What does he sometimes do? _______________________________________________
  4. Why are the adventures of Indiana Jones so popular? ____________________________



Контроль письма 6 клас

I. Mark the correct question word to complete the sentence.

What, How, Who, Whose

1._____ is her nickname?    2. _____  plays computer games every day?

3. _____  pencil is it?           4. _____  old is your brother?

II. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence:  go, play, do.

1. The boys ____ swimming in summer. 2. My sisters ____ aerobics on Mondays and Wednesdays. 3. He doesn’t _____ football, but likes watching it on TV.

III. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence: but, so, and, because.

1. The teacher was ready to help me, ________ I told her what the problem was.

2. I do not like watching football on TV, ________ I love playing it.

3. We didn’t play football yesterday, ________ Tom had forgotten the ball at home.

4. I tried on my new sneakers _________ they suited me perfectly.

IV. Write down some sentences on the topic: “My favourite sport.”



Контроль говоріння 7 клас

Теми для говоріння:

1. Кіно та театр (Cinema and theater)

2.  Спорт  (Sport)

3. Велика Британія. Україна(Great Britain)


Контроль говоріння 8 клас

Теми для говоріння:

1. Засоби масової інформації  (Mass-media)

2. Велика Британія. Україна(Great Britain)

3. Розваги (Entertainment)


Контроль письма 9 клас


I. Give Ukrainian equivalent of the words.

  1. to invent
  2. to advance
  3. to convert
  1. a heritage
  2. medieval
  3. extra-terrestrial
  1. to pursue
  2. a sitcom
  3. to assume
  1. a factory worker
  2. to make a decision
  3. responsible

____ / 2 points

II. Match the words (1-9) with their definitions (a-i).

  1. technology
  2. falsehood
  3. a host
  4. heritage
  5. an ability
  6. an invention
  7. engineering
  8. high-tech
  9. mankind
  1. the activity of designing and building roads, bridges, machines, etc.;
  2. using the latest technology;
  3. when something brings progress and makes it possible for people to do the things that they couldn’t do before;
  4. the fact that you can do something; the quality or skill that you have which makes it possible for you to do something;
  5. all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race;
  6. the use of scientific knowledge and discoveries to develop new machines and systems;
  7. the quality or fact of being untrue or of being a lie;
  8. a large number of people or things; a person who invites guests to a meal/party;
  9. the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character.

____ / 3 points

III. Complete the sentences with the correct -ing forms of the verbs from the box.

to write

to lead

to try

to manage

to play

to hear

____ / 3 points


to walk

to be

to take



  1. As well as _____________ the political centre, the city is also the centre for business, education and culture.
  2. Looking forward to _____________ from you soon.
  3. The style of my _____________ is going to be informal.
  4. She’d like to earn her living by _____________ a hotel or a restaurant.
  5. He suggested _____________ to the city centre after lunch.
  6. They couldn’t leave the place without _____________ some photos.
  7. Don’t stop! Keep on _____________.
  8. They saw stairs _____________ to the top of the tower.
  9. You should always read the rules before _____________ a game,

IV. Choose one task:

  • Write a short essay about the role of mass media in your life (10-12 sentences)
  • Write a short essay about what devices you use in your everyday life and which of them you consider to be the most important for you (10-12 sentences)

____ / 4 points



Переглядів: 193 | Додав: vatanen2016 | Теги: англійська мова | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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